Education is a continuous process for a lifetime – Awakening the power and beauty that lies within all of us. For better and ever.

To my mind education as an idea, is not just about bricks, mortar, and concrete, but about building character, enriching minds, and about varied experiences that last a lifetime.

INSPIRATION GOVT. CHAMPHAI COLLEGE’s vision is to give the students the all-round capability including creativity, observation, and knowledge empowerment leading to the generation of excellent, performing citizens with sterling character.

We, at Govt. Champhai College, practice RICRAC behavior. The RICRAC acronym is used to remind students & parents “Responsibility, Integrity, Caring, Respectful, Academic and Cooperative”. These values, we believe, will enable our students to take a leadership role in learning and in life.

There is a commitment to an integrated curriculum approach through inquiry learning. The development of higher-order thinking skills, risk-taking, adaptability, cooperation, and communication techniques are fostered.

We, at Govt. Champhai College are committed to the improvement and growth of the student community. We would like to see them soar to new heights and taste success in all their endeavors. We are convinced that education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.

I expect sincere cooperation from parents and guardians for the attainment of the college’s objectives.


The vision of the institution is to achieve excellence in higher education, empowerment through knowledge and to achieve inclusive growth and sustainable development for socio-economic change.


The mission of the institution is to provide good, useful, affordable and relevant higher education to students specifically; and general enlightenment to common citizens.


The objectives of the institution are –

  1. To equip and empower students with relevant knowledge.
  2. To instill self-confidence in students.
  3. To foster creativity of the students.
  4. To create awareness and education to the masses in human rights, value system, culture and heritage, scientific temper, environment and cleanliness.

The vision, mission and objectives of the institution are communicated through the official website, college propectus and through various meetings of the students, staff and other stakeholders.



Dedication reflected in our distinctive work ethic and in our commitment to excellence

Impact reflected in our commitment to address critical issues facing society regionally, nationally, and globally

Collaboration reflected in our interdisciplinary approach, our focus on internal and external partnerships, and our capacity to create new fields of inquiry

Creativity reflected in our openness to new ideas and forms of expression, intellectual curiosity, willingness to take risks, and entrepreneurial spirit

Empathy and compassion reflected in our focus on improving the human condition and on the personal development of the members of our community

Inclusion reflected in a culture and climate that seeks welcomes and advances talented minds from diverse backgrounds.

Integrity reflected in our adherence to the highest ethical standards in personal and professional behavior, and in our commitment to transparency and accountability in governance and everything we do.

Sustainability reflected in our shared commitment to lead by example in preserving and protecting our natural resources, and in our approach to responsible financial planning